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Home Improvement projects in Holicong, Pennsylvania
Tips For Handling Wood, Brick, And Other Wall Repairs

When walls get broken, it is time to call a qualified wall contractor to the rescue. There are a variety of different types of walls, of course, so a really skilled wall contractor with be able to do a range of different kinds of repairs including those that involve wood, sheetrock, or masonry.

One thing to be aware of being starting a wall repair project or interviewing prospective wall contractors to complete the job is that wall repairs need to be evaluated from the top down. That means that is your wall has damage -- for example from water or fire damage or from being broken because a car backed into it -- the entire structure may be weakened.

When a car breaks a wall in a garage because a new driver overshoots the mark, for instance, that might only create a small amount of visible damage where the bumper hits the wall. But the shock of the jolt might also send cracks throughout the wall that are not easily spotted. That's when you need an expert wall contractor who can examine the entire wall and ferret out any other potential problems. Otherwise you might make a small repair but later find out that it was not enough when the entire wall begins to crumble and fall.

Of course not every wall contractor does all types of repairs, but those who are well established in the trade will have a team of subcontractors to call upon when they need to deal with a specific kind of repair that may not be within their own field of expertise. A carpenter who does wall repairs to wooden stud framing, for example, will often have a partner who handles repairs of masonry walls constructed of brick, blocks, or concrete.

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