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Installing Stone Cabinets

Corian, once considered the top-of-the kitchen counter upgrade, is being replaced in upscale homes by other solid-surface finishes. One of the hottest is granite, which adds rich luster to new kitchens in a range of dark colors, from gray to chocolate. Granite countertops are somewhat more expensive to install than Corian.

Cost is why the least expensive choice, laminate, is still the most popular. Today, solid colors are out and patterns are in. People who can't have the real thing can choose a granite look-alike in any of a variety of colors. Also popular is a stipple finish, which may also be called a quarry or sparkle finish by different manufacturers. It may sparkle or shine and have a raised, bumpy feel.

Despite competition, solid surface countertops such as Corian, Gibraltar and Fountainhead remain popular in some regions, in part because they are easy to clean. Fusing the sink and countertop eliminates raised lips and the need for caulking, so there's never dirt caught in the crevices.

Another type of countertop that's prevalent in Morrison, Missouri, is tile. While it has a sharp, clean look, it wears easily and can be difficult to keep clean because the grout lines deteriorate. The surface is also very hard, and if you drop a dish or a glass even from an inch or two, it will almost certainly break.
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