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Fences Add Privacy And Protection
Take a walk through any neighborhood and you'll see many different styles of homes - and just as many different kinds of fences. Homeowners use everything from chain link to ornate wrought iron to mark off their little section of paradise.

There are many reasons for installing a fence. You may want a decorative accent to your landscaping. Maybe you're looking to keep a neighbor's dog out of your yard, or concerned about security. Chances are, there is a style of fence to match your needs.

Before launching into the project, though, check local ordinances and regulations governing location, height and style of fences in 98588, Washington. Go to your local government office and ask for its fencing regulations. If the fence you want doesn't conform, you'll need to apply for a zoning variance. Next, have your lot surveyed to establish the property line, so you don't end up building the fence on your neighbor's land. Local ordinances may require the fence be a certain distance from the property line. If you're part of a homeowner's association, check their regulations to see what's allowed.

Violation of any of these rules could result in a costly legal fight which could force you to take down or move the fence to comply with the law. For good measure, let the neighbors know of your intentions to put up a fence so they're not surprised.

Having a fenced yard is a selling point for a house, but it doesn't add much value. If you plan on selling, don't put up a fence thinking it will bring in a higher bid. On the other hand, if you already have a fence, make sure it's in good shape. A rusty fence, or one with rotting boards reflects badly on the rest of the house. Just like fixing up your house before you sell it, don't neglect to do the same with the fence.
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