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Honeyville, UT Textured Paint Projects: Hire a Plastering Contractor

Find a Plastering Contractor for your Honeyville, UT Textured Paint projects.
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Honeyville, Utah Textured Paint Projects
Honeyville, Utah Plastering Contractors
Textured Paint projects in Honeyville, Utah
Specialty Painting - Textures

To add beautiful and unique effect, add a little texture to your next home paint project. Texture is the latest home painting trend that can spruce up your home’s aesthetic appeal without a major investment. Keep in mind that texturized accents are good and add interest, but should be used sparingly, not all over a room. Consider the following de rigueur texturing techniques:

Sponge a contrasting color over the base coat after it has time to dry. The more the dissimilar color you choose, the more striking the effect will appear. This texture is easy to maintain over time by sponging on fresh color over marred areas and scuffmarks.

Adding silica sand to latex paint for texture creates a fine textured surface that gives your walls a velvety appearance. Use a ratio of about 8 to 1 paint / sand by volume. You can add sand to any level of sheen paint. Some designer brands already have said in the paint. Sandy paint is thick enough to hide minor flaws, enables you to create the effect of plaster or stucco.
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