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Install Wood Fencing Projects: Hire a Van Wert County, OH Fence Builder

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Van Wert County, Ohio Install Wood Fencing Projects
Van Wert County, Ohio Fence Builders
Install Wood Fencing projects in Van Wert County, Ohio
So Many Options In Fencing
If you want to spend the least amount of money, go with chain link in Van Wert County, Ohio. If you want traditional, put up a wood picket fence. Full-height stockade wood fencing offers privacy and security. Vinyl fencing is gaining popularity because of its low maintenance, but it's more expensive than most other styles. Finally, if you want to use the fence to accent your landscaping, try wrought iron or stone.

The cheapest option is chain link. It's durable, lasting 20-25 years. To dress it up, you can get chain link with colored vinyl coatings. Slats and inserts can be woven between the chain link to add privacy. But no matter how it's dressed up, people still say it lacks character and has an institutional feel.

For something that meshes better with the yard, try wood. Stockade fencing is the most popular because it affords privacy and security. Wood fencing comes in many shapes, from picket to customized stockade with lattice tops. But with wood you have to be prepared to nurture it, too. Like a wood deck, you'll need to seal it every few years. Wood also rots, so you may have occasional repairs. Wood fences, if well-maintained should last at least 10 years.

Because chain link and wood fences are so prevalent, some people look for something with more character that meshes better with their home's distinctive architecture. A more expensive option may be wrought iron. It lasts a long time, but requires regular maintenance to avoid rusting. Ornamental aluminum is most popular for around pools, but can be used elsewhere, too.

Split rail fences won't keep out the neighbor's dog, but will discourage foot traffic. Some home owners take fencing a step farther and make the barrier an art statement by combining different types of fencing, adding interesting breaks in long expanses of wood or alternating fencing sections with stone, brick or stucco sections. If you want to follow this route, talk to a landscape architect and fencing contractor to come up with the best plan at the right price.
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