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Find a Drywall Patching And Repair Specialist for your Norway, MI Repair Drywall Projects

Norway, MI Drywall Patching And Repair Specialists for all your Repair Drywall needs.
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Norway, Michigan Repair Drywall Projects
Norway, Michigan Drywall Patching And Repair Specialists
Repair Drywall projects in Norway, Michigan
Repairing Drywall
Water resistant. "Greenboard" is the industry term for drywall panels made with special facing layers that can withstand water contact or high humidity (regular paper-faced drywall can swell, soften and disintegrate if it gets wet). Greenboard is typically used in kitchens and bathrooms. Fiberock, a brand-name of drywall that is one step up from greenboard, has a unique composition that eliminates the need for a special paper. Durock, another brand, is even more water-repellent. It has a cement-like composition and is ideal for shower and sink areas that are in constant contact with water.

Fire resistant. Some wallboards have a unique composition core that won't burn or transmit heat in excess of about 200 degrees until it's reduced completely to powder.

Abuse resistant. If you have a raucous family, a rec room, or other areas likely to sustain a little wear and tear, consider these stronger wallboards, which are less likely to dent.

Crack and warp resistant. Some wallboard compositions withstand structural, thermal and atmospheric conditions better.

Flexible. Quarter-inch (compared to typical half-inch) drywall panels that can bend to shape curvilinear walls, rounded stairwells and more.

Environmentally friendly. Gypsum is a mined, natural rock - so if the environment is a primary concern, ask for brands that use synthetic gypsum and recycled paper in Norway, Michigan.

Once drywall is nailed or screwed to wood or metal studs, contractors use drywall tape to seal the seams and joint compound to hide tape, followed by primer, then paint or wallpaper. Some manufacturers offer plaster products already infused with paint, which can be used in place of joint compound or as plaster over the wall for a long-lasting finish.
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