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Find a Paving Contractor for your Sydney, FL Install Interlocking Paving Floors Or Driveways Projects

Sydney, FL Paving Contractors for all your Install Interlocking Paving Floors Or Driveways needs.
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Sydney, Florida Install Interlocking Paving Floors Or Driveways Projects
Sydney, Florida Paving Contractors
Install Interlocking Paving Floors Or Driveways projects in Sydney, Florida
Pavers Are Back And Better

Materials have improved greatly since the Romans paved courtyards and roads with brick. Concrete paving stones are designed to withstand everything from the weight of cars and trucks to cold winters. Standard compressive strength for concrete paving stones is 8,000 pounds per square inch, nearly twice that of poured concrete.

An interlocking concrete system is built over layers of crushed rock and sand. Stones are laid over the sand base and compacted, and sand is swept into the joints and the stones are compacted again. This process interlocks the stones and enables them to disperse the weight of vertical loads. The sand in the joints allows weight to be spread in a manner similar to asphalt, reducing the stress on the base and the subgrade.

In residential installations, including driveways, paving stones 2 3/8 inches thick are used. There are dozens of interlocking concrete paving manufacturers, and each has a wide variety of styles and colors in Sydney, Florida.

Consumers can choose from a traditional brick shape, commonly called a Holland, and several cobblestones styles to a pattern of two or three bricks that create circle, diamond and fan shapes. There are colonial bricks, as well as antique colonial bricks that are treated to look as if they are aged. There are shades of red, gray, brown and blue, and the same style of brick can be used in different colors to create a distinct pattern.

Installing pavers is tricky and takes some experience. Over the years, there have been numerous scams throughout the country associated with driveway resurfacing in general. No matter what method you choose, before you sign on the dotted line, check out the company you're considering hiring for the job. Beware of the one that will offer to do the job for a lot less than competitors. Skip the ones who come door to door. Get references, and remember: You get what you pay for.


A floor made of interlocking paving that is well-cared for can last for hundreds of years and still look as good as it was the day it was laid. Not just an apt choice for garages, interlocking paving can be a great option for mud rooms and basements. A durable and ineffable flooring choice, install interlocking paving any place where hardwoods and more precious flooring options aren’t up to snuff strength-wise.
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