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Cleaning Your Interior Hvac Systems

Because HVAC systems, once installed, work so efficiently and require little or no effort on the part of the homeowner, it's easy to forget how they run until a crisis develops. However, like any major piece of machinery, HVAC systems need routine maintenance. No matter what type of HVAC system you install, chances are it's expensive, so it's worth maintaining properly. Your contractor is a good source of information, since he probably either provides service contracts or can recommend someone to do the service.

Service requirments depend on the system installed, and your contractor will offer the best advice. However, some guidelines to use when you hire someone to inspect and tune your HVAC systems would include:

Furnaces need to be thoroughly cleaned and inspected at least once a year, usually before the start of the heating season. The annual visit should include cleaning soot from the burner, the blower, indoor and outdoor coils, and the heat exchanger; checking the flow of gas, the heat pump's compressor, fan, and refrigerant pressure; and inspecting the heat exchanger for damage and ductwork for leaks or cracks. Furnace filters need to be changed regularly. during the heating season to prevent buildup that can slow or stop heat flow.

Central air conditioning systems also need maintenance to keep them at peak efficiency. Before the air conditioning season kicks in, have your system inspected and cleaned. Dirt and debris are common problems in central systems, especially in the outdoor compressor. Keep the compressor clean to preserve the quality of your air conditioning. The condenser needs to be inspected and tuned, and its level needs to be checked as well. Most condensers are installed on backfilled soil, and since that soil shifts and sinks, the condenser can shift and sink as well. If it's not set level, the condenser can wear out bearings, reducing its efficiency.

One of the best ways to ensure that heating and air conditioning maintenance is done regularly is with a maintenance contrac in Calfifornia. Usually the base price includes a twice-a-year tune-up. And if you are unfortunate enough to have more serious trouble, the contract ensures that you get prompt service.
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