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Home Improvement projects in Short Hills, New Jersey
Installing A Gas Or Electric Furnace

Even in warmer climates, like Short Hills, New Jersey, cold spells can occur which necessitate having a heating system. Most furnaces today rely on natural gas for fuel, which is cleaner, more energy-efficient and less expensive than heating oil or electricity.

Each furnace type provides its own set of requirements and specifications. Which type (gas or electric), what size, and the work required to install it, will affect the final price. However, because each type of furnace has minimum requirements, you probably do not have as much choice in the decision as, say, what kind of siding to choose. What is better for one household might not be the best for another. Our contractors can help you decide which furnace type and brand is right for you: Trane, Carrier, Goodman, Amana, or Bryant..

You can maintain a comfort level and can heat your home much faster with a gas furnace if your winters are cold, and gas is generally cheaper than electric for generating heat. Gas does have some potentially dangerous drawbacks, though, as gas combustion is toxic to breathe, and gas leaks can lead to house fires and explosions.

Electric furnaces offer great heating and cooling capacity, and can be combined with air filtration system to filter out pollen, dust and other irritants. The installation of an electric furnace is generally much cheaper than the installation of a gas furnace. With natural gas prices going up all the time, electric may be a more economical choice: you need to compare the cost of electricity versus gas in your area.
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